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Failed to insert code in manual sample to access tree data information.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 2:11 am
by Hemmi
An error was generated when I changed the writing.tcl in the cmas2d_customelib problem type by inserting the sample lines of code given in the manual.

The following code is given in the customisation manual (page 42; in the "Accessing tree data information" section).
I inserted it into the writing.tcl code of the cmas2d_customlib problem type, just before the "customlib::EndWriteFile" line.

Code: Select all

    (writing.tcl code; many lines omitted!)
    customlib::WriteString "Node   Mass [gid_groups_conds::give_active_unit M]"
    customlib::WriteNodes $condition_list $condition_formats "" active
# The following four lines are inserted from the sample code
# found on page42 of the customization manual.
set document [$::gid_groups_conds::doc documentElement]
set xpath {/cmas2d_customlib_data/condition[@n='Point_Weight']/group[@name='Point Weight Auto1']/value[@n='Weight']}
set xml_node [$document selectNodes $xpath]
set value [get_domnode_attribute $xml_node v]

    customlib::EndWriteFile ;#finish writting

As shown in the figure, I encountered an error after CntlX-CntlC operation.
CntlX-CntlC-ERROR.png (219.76 KiB) Viewed 1294 times
What is wrong with me?

Am using GiD 16.0.7 on Windows11 Pro.

Re: Failed to insert code in manual sample to access tree data information.

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 12:34 pm
by escolano
It is a mistake of the documentation,
set xpath {/cmas2d_customlib_data/condition[@n='Point_Weight']/group[@name='Point Weight Auto1']/value[@n='Weight']}
set xml_node [$document selectNodes $xpath]
in this case the attribute of the node 'group' must be 'n', not 'name'
group[@name='Point Weight Auto1']
group[@n='Point Weight Auto1']
Now we have fixed this documentation: ... nformation

Then $document selectNodes $xpath was not selecting any DOM node because the wrong xpath

In any case, you can always examine the current DOM to know the xpath with something like
-np- W [[$::gid_groups_conds::doc documentElement] asXML]
and you will see it as XML, this in your model:

<cmas2d_customlib_data version="1.0">
<style show_menubutton_about="0" show_menubutton_search="1"/>
<!-- units -->
<!--by now it is compulsory define this node if units are used (could be empty if defaults are enougth)-->
<container n="units" pn="Units" icon="darkorange-length-18" tree_state="close">
<value n="units_mesh" pn="Geometry units" unit_mesh_definition="1"/>
<value n="units_system" pn="Units system" units_system_definition="1">
<dependencies node="//*[@unit_definition or @unit_mesh_definition='1']" att1="change_units_system" v1="{@v}"/>
<container n="basic_units" pn="Basic units" icon="darkorange-length-18" help="Basic units to be used in the analysis.">
<value n="units_length" pn="Length" unit_definition="L"/>
<value n="units_mass" pn="Mass" unit_definition="M"/>
<!-- conditions -->
<condition n="Point_Weight" pn="Point Weight" ov="point" ovm="node" icon="darkorange-weight-18" groups_icon="yelowish-group" help="Concentrated mass" tree_state="open">
<value n="Weight" pn="Weight" v="0.0" unit_magnitude="M" units="kg" help="Specify the weight that you want to apply" state=""/>
<symbol proc="gid_groups_conds::draw_symbol_image weight-18.png" orientation="global"/>
<!-- or a more customized example implementing our own procecedure <symbol proc='Cmas2d::DrawSymbolWeigth' orientation='global'/> -->
<group n="Point Weight Auto1" ov="point" tree_state="active,open">
<value n="Weight" pn="Weight" unit_magnitude="M" help="Specify the weight that you want to apply" state="" v="0.1" units="kg" tree_state="close"/>
<!-- properties -->
<container n="Properties" pn="Properties" icon="darkorange-shellfish-18" help="Define your materials database and apply them to the surfaces of your problem" tree_state="open">
<condition n="Shells" pn="Shells" ov="surface" ovm="element" ov_element_types="triangle" icon="darkorange-shellfish-18" groups_icon="yelowish-group" help="Select your material and the surfaces related to it" tree_state="open">
<value n="material" pn="Material" editable="0" help="Choose a material from the database" values="[Cmas2d::GetMaterialsList %W]" v="Air" state="">
<edit_command n="Edit materials" pn="Edit materials" icon="darkorange-block1.png" proc="Cmas2d::EditDatabaseListDirect %W %DICT %BC"/>
<group n="Shells Auto1" ov="surface" tree_state="open">
<value n="material" pn="Material" editable="0" help="Choose a material from the database" values="[Cmas2d::GetMaterialsList %W]" state="" v="Steel" tree_state="close"/>
<container n="materials" pn="Materials" icon="darkorange-block1" help="Materials database" tree_state="close">
<blockdata n="material" name="Air" sequence="1" editable_name="unique" icon="darkorange-wind-sign" help="Material definition" morebutton="0">
<value n="Density" pn="Density" v="1.01" help="Superficial density assuming a thickness of 1 meter" unit_magnitude="M/L^2" units="kg/m^2"/>
<blockdata n="material" name="Steel" sequence="1" editable_name="unique" icon="darkorange-bracket" help="Material definition" morebutton="0">
<value n="Density" pn="Density" v="7850" help="Superficial density assuming a thickness of 1 meter" unit_magnitude="M/L^2" units="kg/m^2"/>
<blockdata n="material" name="Aluminium" sequence="1" editable_name="unique" icon="darkorange-alu" help="Material definition" morebutton="0">
<value n="Density" pn="Density" v="2650" help="Superficial density assuming a thickness of 1 meter" unit_magnitude="M/L^2" units="kg/m^2"/>
<group n="Shells Auto1" onoff="1" color="magenta" type=""/>
<group n="Point Weight Auto1" onoff="1" color="green" type=""/>
<blockdata n="Internal data">
<value n="spd_file" v="D:/cygwin64/home/temp/foobar.gid/foobar.spd"/>
<display_options frame_width="215" is_frame_open="1" view_conditions_search="0" conditions_search_values=""/>
<unit_magnitude_user_sel n="M" values="kg"/>