Ctrl-x Ctrl-c not exporting the .dat file in the case of cmas2d_customlib problemtype

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Ctrl-x Ctrl-c not exporting the .dat file in the case of cmas2d_customlib problemtype

Post by Hemmi »

Let us take an example based on the cmas2d_customlib problem type.
After standard processing of GiD, involving [Calculate] menu selection,
I can successfully get the MC-DISTANCE contour plot. So far all is well.

Next I removed {projectname}.dat and {projectname}.post.res from the working directory.
And I changed the mesh generation condition to either finer or coarser.
After remeshing, I went to [Files]>[Export]>Calculation file; not using the [Calculate] menu.
Unfortunately no new {projectname}.dat was exported.

Let me know how I can export the .dat file using Ctrl-x Ctrl-c operation.
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Re: Ctrl-x Ctrl-c not exporting the .dat file in the case of cmas2d_customlib problemtype

Post by escolano »

This is a small bug on last developer versions (do not happen in official versions)
We have fixed it for next 16.1.9d developer version, available soon.

This problemtype is writing the file invoked by the GiD_Event_AfterWriteCalculationFile
In any case you can export the file calling directly to the tcl procedure of the problemtype that implements this export:

Code: Select all

Cmas2d::WriteCalculationFile $filename
where filename is the full name of the file you want to write
e.g. can invoke from the lower entry with something like this

Code: Select all

-np- Cmas2d::WriteCalculationFile "C:/temp/my_file.dat"
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