[GiDlist] repeated coordinates

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Matthew Profit

[GiDlist] repeated coordinates

Post by Matthew Profit »

Hello Gid users,

I'm attempting to mesh a simple cylinder, internal radius 100, external 110, height 300, with linear brick elements. (using Gid 6.1.2)

If I create a quarter of the cylinder and then use the copy option to produce the full cylinder I get problems when writing the mesh file using 'Write Calculation File' option. When I output the node numbers and corresponding cordinates, with boundary code, to a *.dat file certain nodal co-ordinates are repeated. This causes my FE code to crash in its initial stages.

I am using the *canRepeat* command in the *.bas file for surface pressures which are written later, so i assume this is not the problem.

I'm using the copy option with the quarter cylinder since you need six surfaces to use hexahedra elements. The in-built cylinder creator is only valid for 2D problems. Can anyone help me with this problem??

Thanks in advance,
Matthew Profit
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Jesús Torrecilla Pinero

[GiDlist] repeated coordinates

Post by Jesús Torrecilla Pinero »

Have you tried Utilities -- Collapse -- Model after generating the mesh?

Hope it helps

El Vie 11 Ene 2002 06:07, escribió:
Hello Gid users,

I'm attempting to mesh a simple cylinder, internal radius 100, external
110, height 300, with linear brick elements. (using Gid 6.1.2)

If I create a quarter of the cylinder and then use the copy option to
produce the full cylinder I get problems when writing the mesh file using
'Write Calculation File' option. When I output the node numbers and
corresponding cordinates, with boundary code, to a *.dat file certain nodal
co-ordinates are repeated. This causes my FE code to crash in its initial

I am using the *canRepeat* command in the *.bas file for surface pressures
which are written later, so i assume this is not the problem.

I'm using the copy option with the quarter cylinder since you need six
surfaces to use hexahedra elements. The in-built cylinder creator is only
valid for 2D problems. Can anyone help me with this problem??

Thanks in advance,
Matthew Profit

Jesús Torrecilla Pinero

Ingeniero de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
Depto. Técnicas y Medios.
Universidad de Extremadura
Enrique Escolano

[GiDlist] repeated coordinates

Post by Enrique Escolano »

In the copy window, Uncheck the option "Duplicate entities" to not create overlaped entities
or use Collapse of the geometry after copy entities
(If collapse the mesh is necessary to repeat this operation if remesh. In addition applied conditions can be destroyed)

----- Original Message -----
From: Matthew Profit
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 6:07 AM
Subject: [GiDlist] repeated coordinates

Hello Gid users,

I'm attempting to mesh a simple cylinder, internal radius 100, external 110, height 300, with linear brick elements. (using Gid 6.1.2)

If I create a quarter of the cylinder and then use the copy option to produce the full cylinder I get problems when writing the mesh file using 'Write Calculation File' option. When I output the node numbers and corresponding cordinates, with boundary code, to a *.dat file certain nodal co-ordinates are repeated. This causes my FE code to crash in its initial stages.

I am using the *canRepeat* command in the *.bas file for surface pressures which are written later, so i assume this is not the problem.

I'm using the copy option with the quarter cylinder since you need six surfaces to use hexahedra elements. The in-built cylinder creator is only valid for 2D problems. Can anyone help me with this problem??

Thanks in advance,
Matthew Profit
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