[GiDlist] a question about batch files

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Jorge Suit Pérez Ronda

[GiDlist] a question about batch files

Post by Jorge Suit Pérez Ronda »

You must preceed your tcl line with the reserved word *****TCL

for instance you can do

*****TCL set matlist [.central.s info materials]



On Fri, 2003-11-21 at 09:50, fea wrote:
How Can I use the following command in batch files what can be used in
.central.s info ****

edodo at eyou.com

-- ...


GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es

Khaled Obeidat

[GiDlist] surface to be meshed into lines

Post by Khaled Obeidat »

Hello Ronda,

Can you please let me know if i can create a mesh for a surface using just
lines as element instead of triangular. if not how can I get a list of
lines with their nodes from each triangular element. for example meshing
the surface using triangular will give a mesh that contains triangulars,
these triangulars will share same edges (lines), I want to obtain a list of
the non-duplicate lines that make these triangulars.

Best Regards,
Khaled Obeidat

[GiDlist] surface to be meshed into lines

Post by Khaled Obeidat »

Sorry I sent this email by mistake, I didn't see enrique reply.

At 03:54 PM 11/21/2003, you wrote:
Hello Ronda,

Can you please let me know if i can create a mesh for a surface using
just lines as element instead of triangular. if not how can I get a list
of lines with their nodes from each triangular element. for example
meshing the surface using triangular will give a mesh that contains
triangulars, these triangulars will share same edges (lines), I want to
obtain a list of the non-duplicate lines that make these triangulars.

Best Regards,

GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es

Khaled Obeidat
Research Engineer
EMAG Technologies, Inc.
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Steven Xilin Xu

[GiDlist] batch command

Post by Steven Xilin Xu »

Dear GiD users,

I wonder how I can quickly find the batch command corresponding to menu
option. Say, the menu selection is:

Geometry - Create - NURBS Surface - By Contour

How do I know what is the equivalent batch command?

Thanks, Steven
Enrique Escolano

[GiDlist] batch command

Post by Enrique Escolano »

The internal GiD command names, are the names that appear on the "right
To show this "rigth buttons" (hidden by default), use:
Utilities-Graphical-Toolbars... , and set the right buttons "inside"

A trick to see the commands for an action, is to read the contents of the
"Undo" window after this action (Utilities-Undo...)

Also it's possible to record the session commands in a batch file (by
selecting Write batch file in Utilities-Preferences... General)

Enrique Escolano

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Xilin Xu" sx25 at cornell.edu
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:14 AM
Subject: [GiDlist] batch command

Dear GiD users,

I wonder how I can quickly find the batch command corresponding to menu
option. Say, the menu selection is:

Geometry - Create - NURBS Surface - By Contour

How do I know what is the equivalent batch command?

Thanks, Steven

GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es

Khaled Obeidat

[GiDlist] mesh only volumes

Post by Khaled Obeidat »

Dear Gid team,

I'm trying to mesh just volumes in my structures using the meshcritria as
following but this code is not working with me even that it work if i do it
from the command line, I want to find a way for mesh just the volumes at a
time, then just surfaces without higher entities and in the end just lines
without higher entities.

proc JustVolume {retval} {
set P_info [.central.s info Project]
set ProjectName [lindex $P_info 1]
set FileName1 [file join $ProjectName.gid [file tail

.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing
MeshCriteria NoMesh Surfaces SelWindow filter: 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing MeshCriteria
NoMesh Lines SelWindow filter: 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing generate
WarnWinText "..."
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Files WriteMesh


Best regards

Khaled Obeidat
Research Engineer
EMAG Technologies, Inc.
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Steven Xilin Xu

[GiDlist] using layers and export GiD mesh

Post by Steven Xilin Xu »

Dear GiD users,

I generated mesh in GiD for a model of different materials. Each material is
represented by a layer. Now I want to export the mesh for external solver. I
used Expert - GiD mesh. Only pure node and element information is exported.
I wonder how I can get the mesh output with material info included?

Thanks, Steven
Enrique Escolano

[GiDlist] mesh only volumes

Post by Enrique Escolano »

By default, if you mesh the volume, are not meshed your "lower entities" (surfaces, lines and points) !!

About your procedure, "SelWindow filter: " not make any work in your code (is not applied any filter !!)
can use directly
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing MeshCriteria NoMesh Surfaces 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing MeshCriteria NoMesh Lines 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing generate $retval

And add another "escape" to end the last command
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Files WriteMesh \"$FileName1\"
.central.s process escape

Other detail, if exists a previous mesh, must cancel before, or GiD expects after meshing generate $retval
a confirmation "yes" to cancel this previous mesh.

Enrique Escolano
----- Original Message -----
From: Khaled Obeidat
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:32 PM
Subject: [GiDlist] mesh only volumes

Dear Gid team,

I'm trying to mesh just volumes in my structures using the meshcritria as following but this code is not working with me even that it work if i do it from the command line, I want to find a way for mesh just the volumes at a time, then just surfaces without higher entities and in the end just lines without higher entities.

proc JustVolume {retval} {
set P_info [.central.s info Project]
set ProjectName [lindex $P_info 1]
set FileName1 [file join $ProjectName.gid [file tail $ProjectName].msh]

.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing MeshCriteria NoMesh Surfaces SelWindow filter: 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing MeshCriteria NoMesh Lines SelWindow filter: 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing generate $retval
WarnWinText "..."
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Files WriteMesh \"$FileName1\"


Best regards

Khaled Obeidat
Research Engineer
EMAG Technologies, Inc.

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Enrique Escolano

[GiDlist] using layers and export GiD mesh

Post by Enrique Escolano »

If you load a problemtype that define "GiD materials" , and apply this
materials, then when you export the GiD mesh,
after the element connectivities is written the material number.

To export to other external solver, can also check if this solver can read
for example files with Nastran format. It exists
a good problemtype to create this type of file.

If the external solver is your own code, with your own format, GiD is
designed to be neutral and customizable, can define
your own "GiD problemtype" (define your material, conditions, your template
to write the calculation file...) .
See help / tutorials on GiD customization

Enrique Escolano

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven Xilin Xu" sx25 at cornell.edu
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Tuesday, November 25, 2003 6:59 PM
Subject: [GiDlist] using layers and export GiD mesh

Dear GiD users,

I generated mesh in GiD for a model of different materials. Each material
represented by a layer. Now I want to export the mesh for external solver.
used Expert - GiD mesh. Only pure node and element information is
I wonder how I can get the mesh output with material info included?

Thanks, Steven

GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es

Khaled Obeidat

[GiDlist] mesh only volumes

Post by Khaled Obeidat »

Thanks I have applied the changes and it works but I wonder if i can make
it look user friendly for the user, since I'm creating three files one for
volumes, one for surfaces and the other one for lines. but GID will show
some dialogs likes meshing in progress and then it will ask about boundary
visualization another dialog will show the number of tetrahedral elements,
triangles or lines.

the following four functions will do what is required but they appear to
be not user friendly.

proc GenerateMeshAndFiles {} {
global mysizes

if {[lindex [.central.s info Mesh] 0]} {
# there is a previous mesh we should erase
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing cancelmesh yes
# now ganerate the mesh

if {![info exists mysizes]} {
set mysizes {}
set retval [tk_dialogComboRAM .gid.tempwinec [_ "Enter value window"] \
"Enter size of the elements" questhead 3 $mysizes]
if { $retval != "--CANCEL--" } {

set idx [lsearch $mysizes $retval]
if { $idx != -1} {
set mysizes [lreplace $mysizes $idx $idx]

set mysizes [linsert $mysizes 0 $retval]

JustVolumes $retval
JustSurfaces $retval
JustLines $retval

} else {
WarnWinText "Canceled ..."

proc JustVolumes {retval} {
set P_info [.central.s info Project]
set ProjectName [lindex $P_info 1]
set FileName1 [file join $ProjectName.gid [file tail

.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing
MeshCriteria NoMesh Surfaces 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing MeshCriteria
NoMesh Lines 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing generate
WarnWinText "..."
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Files WriteMesh
.central.s process escape


proc JustSurfaces {retval} {
set P_info [.central.s info Project]
set ProjectName [lindex $P_info 1]
set FileName2 [file join $ProjectName.gid [file tail

if {[lindex [.central.s info Mesh] 0]} {
# there is a previous mesh we should erase
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing cancelmesh yes
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing reset yes

.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing
MeshCriteria NoMesh Lines 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing
MeshCriteria NoMesh Volumes 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing generate
WarnWinText "..."
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Files WriteMesh
.central.s process escape


proc JustLines {retval} {
set P_info [.central.s info Project]
set ProjectName [lindex $P_info 1]
set FileName3 [file join $ProjectName.gid [file tail

if {[lindex [.central.s info Mesh] 0]} {
# there is a previous mesh we should erase
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing cancelmesh yes
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing reset yes

.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing
MeshCriteria NoMesh Surfaces SelWindow 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Meshing
MeshCriteria NoMesh Volumes SelWindow 1:
.central.s process escape escape escape escape meshing generate
WarnWinText "..."
.central.s process escape escape escape escape Files WriteMesh
.central.s process escape


Best Regards,

At 01:44 PM 11/25/2003, you wrote:
.central.s process escape

Khaled Obeidat
Research Engineer
EMAG Technologies, Inc.
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