First GiD13 developer version

Moderator: GiD Team

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First GiD13 developer version

Post by GiDTeam »

New developments had started, GiD13.1.0d is ready to download on
windows 32 bits: ... ons/win32/
windows 64 bits: ... ons/win64/
Linux and MAC OSX comming soon.

Take a look at what’s new:


Allow multiple tries to create the temporary GiD folder (to avoid conflicts running multiple copies simultaneously)
File browser, fix error sorting filenames
File browser, fix error opening to select files


Save with the model the state open/close of the tree of layers and groups
Fixed bug that prevent stop meshing
Fixed bug deleting a group assigned to face element entities
Fixed error drawing hexahedra meshes in render mode with immediate or display list mode
Fixed bug meshing surfaces skipping entities


New icon in the standard bar of postprocess to play animations.
New preference option to set the number of labels of the results color scale.
Legends: corrections when moving them around (Utilities –> Tools –> Move Screen Objects) and printing them in High Resolution snapshots.
Vectors: when printing with HighResolution, do not reduce the quality of the rendered vectors and do it only for faster screen rendering.


New GiD-Tcl subcommand GiD_Mesh get nodesdistance
New GiD-Tcl subcommand GiD_Mesh get element from_face ?-ordered?
variable set ::GidPriv(HideMeshProgress) 1 to hide the mesh progress window
New GiD-Tcl events GiD_Event_AfterSaveGIDProject, GiD_Event_AfterNewGIDProject
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