[GiDlist] point analysis in GID

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Billy Fälth

[GiDlist] point analysis in GID

Post by Billy Fälth »

I am working with a 2-D, axisymmetric model in Code_Bright and try to
make a plot (point analysis) in GID but I just get the error message
“Sorry, but the point lies outside the sets”. This problem only arises
when I use quadrilateral elements in the model. When I use only
triangular elements, the point analysis function works well. Is there
something I can do to solve this problem?

/ BF

Billy Fälth
Clay Technology AB
Ideon Research Center
S 223 70 Lund, SWEDEN

Tel +46 46 286 25 81
Fax +46 46 13 42 30
www.claytech.se http://www.claytech.se/

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Miguel A. de Riera Pasenau

[GiDlist] point analysis in GID

Post by Miguel A. de Riera Pasenau »

which version are you using?
can you send us a little example?

Miguel A. de Riera Pasenau miguel at cimne.upc.es http://gid.cimne.upc.es

[GiDlist] point analysis in GID

Post by Alberto »

When I draw a geometry I can't see it in the desktop of Gid.
When I put the pointer of the mouse over the tools bar the drawing appear,
but when the poinnter of the Gid goes inside desktop of Gid my drawing
desappear. If I render it it appears.
I use win98 and Gid Version 6.
Thank you,


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Enrique Escolano

[GiDlist] point analysis in GID

Post by Enrique Escolano »

Try to deactivate the graphic card OpenGL acceleration on the

Windows screen properties-Advanced

Try also to download the GiD 7.x and start it with "GiD Safe Mode" to use
OpenGL software.

Enrique Escolano
----- Original Message -----
From: "Alberto" adantas at tba.com.br
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:39 PM
Subject: Re: [GiDlist] point analysis in GID

When I draw a geometry I can't see it in the desktop of Gid.
When I put the pointer of the mouse over the tools bar the drawing appear,
but when the poinnter of the Gid goes inside desktop of Gid my drawing
desappear. If I render it it appears.
I use win98 and Gid Version 6.
Thank you,


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