displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

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displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

Post by aortizb »

Hello, I am working with material point method. To plot results I define a mesh based on "Points" (the element type is "Point" in the post.msh file). All the interesting variables are plotted at these points. However,in conjunction with the "Point" mesh, I would like to visualize an underlying mesh of four-node quadrilaterals. No values for the variables will be associated with the four-node quadrilateral. Is this possible in GiD?

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Re: displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

Post by escolano »

Yes, you can write more than one mesh in the .post.msh file

MESH "FinitePoint2D 1" dimension 3 ElemType Point Nnode 1
End coordinates

End elements

MESH "SurfaceMesh 1" dimension 3 ElemType Quadrilateral Nnode 4
End coordinates

End elements

and define the nodal results only in some nodes, e.g. the ones of the 'Point' mesh
(the elements with nodes without result will be drawn transparent when drawing a contour filled result)
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Re: displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

Post by Advika »

Hello Friends,YouTube Vanced
I'm working with the Material Point Method, and I'm using a mesh defined by "Points" with the element type as "Point" in the post.msh file to plot various variables. However, I also want to display an underlying mesh of four-node quadrilaterals alongside the "Point" mesh. The quadrilaterals won't have any associated variable values. Is it possible to do this in GiD?
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Re: displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

Post by escolano »

Yes, you can define in the file .post.msh a mesh of quadrilaterals without any result on them.
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Re: displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

Post by Samuel420 »

Hello, I’m working with the Material Point Method and need to plot results using a mesh defined with "Points" (element type "Point" in the post.msh file). While the variables of interest are plotted at these points, I would also like to visualize an underlying mesh of four-node quadrilaterals. Although no values will be associated with the quadrilaterals, is it possible to display this additional mesh in GiD?
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Re: displaying two different meshes simultaneously in GiD

Post by escolano »

the answer is the same of the previous question.
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