[GiDlist] problems with Collapse Model

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Jose Antonio Fernández Merodo

[GiDlist] problems with Collapse Model

Post by Jose Antonio Fernández Merodo »

Dear GiD team,

I don 't understand why when I use the "Collapse Model" function, GiD
creates new points, lines and surfaces that complicates my initial model. I
want to mesh a topography and I m using NurbsLines and NurbsSurfaces.

In the same context, if I collapse a Model done with simple lines, these are
converted to Nurbslines, why?

Thank you for your advice.

Best regards,



José Antonio Fernández Merodo


Departamento de Investigación y Prospectiva Geocientífica

Área de Riesgos Geológicos

c/ Ríos Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid, España

( +34 91349 5810

* mailto:jose.fernandez at igme.es jose.fernandez at igme.es

Web http://www.igme.es/ www.igme.es

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[GiDlist] problems with Collapse Model

Post by escolano »

The collapse is really doing several thinks, not only join close points,

for example It also deformate the curves if its end points were moved,

it join neighbor curves if they are ‘tangents enough’ (this require the
conversion to NURBS expression)

and it do also the opposite thing: split NURBS curves (and NURBS surfaces)
if they have an inner corner (edge for surfaces) that is not ‘tangent

(because jumps in its derivatives could cause a lot of problems for other
algorithms that expects its continuity)

This is the cause that collapsing your topographic model could increase the
amount of points, curves and surfaces

Enrique Escolano

De: gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu
[mailto:gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu] En nombre de Jose Antonio
Fernández Merodo
Enviado el: miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013 15:21
Para: gidlist at listas.cimne.upc.edu
Asunto: [GiDlist] problems with Collapse Model

Dear GiD team,

I don 't understand why when I use the "Collapse Model" function, GiD
creates new points, lines and surfaces that complicates my initial model. I
want to mesh a topography and I m using NurbsLines and NurbsSurfaces.

In the same context, if I collapse a Model done with simple lines, these are
converted to Nurbslines, why?

Thank you for your advice.

Best regards,



José Antonio Fernández Merodo


Departamento de Investigación y Prospectiva Geocientífica

Área de Riesgos Geológicos

c/ Ríos Rosas 23, 28003 Madrid, España

( +34 91349 5810

* mailto:jose.fernandez at igme.es jose.fernandez at igme.es

Web http://www.igme.es/ www.igme.es

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