Fw: [GiDlist] meshing: triangular element edge alignments

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Fw: [GiDlist] meshing: triangular element edge alignments

Post by escolano »

Hi GiD users

After about a month of thechnical problems with the GiD List, it is working again !!

I send again this old answer that was delayed because this problems.



----- Original Message -----
From: Enrique Escolano
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.edu
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [GiDlist] meshing: triangular element edge alignments

Your method it too restrictive with the mesh !!

The only solution I know is for example to create a 2D cartesian mesh, where all elements are cells aligned to x,y,z,
and split this quadrilaterals to triangles (into 2 or 4 triangles, depending on the preference Utilties-Preferences - Meshing - Symmetrical structured triangles)

Mesh-Cartesian-Surfaces, and select the surfaces
Generate the mesh, and
Mesh-Edit mesh-Split elements-Quadrilateral to triangle
and select the elements

I attach an image of a circle meshed with GiD (9.2.9b, can download it from our web www.gidhome.com from the betas section)



----- Original Message -----
From: S.P.Haanappel at ctw.utwente.nl
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.edu
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 8:32 PM
Subject: [GiDlist] meshing: triangular element edge alignments


I am a new GID user, studied some meshing tutorials but cannot find a solution for the following.

Consider a defined circular area in GID. We would like to mesh this circular area with triangles. Nevertheless, there is a restriction that comes from our constitutive relationships. This restriction implies that at least one edge of each triangular element, has to be aligned with one of the global axes.

Consider for example a circular area in the global x-y-plane, with its normal in the z-direction. Now, for example, each element should have an edge that is aligned with the global x-axis or with the global y-axis. An example of such a mesh is attached in this mail (generated with Matlab):

Does anyone know, if it is possible to generate such a mesh with GID? What are the steps involved to create such a mesh from a circular area in GID? Some attempts were made by setting several unstructured and structured mesh options, however, these were unsuccessful.

Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to a solution,

Kind regards,

Sebastiaan Haanappel

Enschede, The Netherlands

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