[GiDlist] RamDebugger

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Georg Haasemann

[GiDlist] RamDebugger

Post by Georg Haasemann »

I try to use the RamDebugger but it doesn't work.
I'm using GiD9 (64bit) for Linux which is Ubuntu 8.04.
Starting the RamDebugger inside Gid (DataProblem TypeDebugger...), the RamDebugger window opens. After setting a break point in the tcl-file, I start the procedure in GiD. However, Gid runs through the entire script without changing the focus to the RamDebugger. What do I have to change that it is working properly?

Thanks in advance.
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[GiDlist] RamDebugger

Post by escolano »

After open the file, you must explicitly start the debugging
(with the F5 key or the 'Debug-Continue/Go' menu)



----- Original Message -----
From: "Georg Haasemann" georg.haasemann at gmx.de
To: gidlist at gid.cimne.upc.edu
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 3:12 PM
Subject: [GiDlist] RamDebugger

I try to use the RamDebugger but it doesn't work.
I'm using GiD9 (64bit) for Linux which is Ubuntu 8.04.
Starting the RamDebugger inside Gid (DataProblem TypeDebugger...), the
RamDebugger window opens. After setting a break point in the tcl-file, I
start the procedure in GiD. However, Gid runs through the entire script
without changing the focus to the RamDebugger. What do I have to change
that it is working properly?

Thanks in advance.
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Georg Haasemann

[GiDlist] RamDebugger

Post by Georg Haasemann »

Am Montag, den 27.10.2008, 17:44 +0100 schrieb Enrique Escolano:
After open the file, you must explicitly start the debugging
(with the F5 key or the 'Debug-Continue/Go' menu)

That is working! Thank you.

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