Contact volume

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Contact volume

Post by aromic »

Dear all,
I have problem defining the contact volume between two "layers" of volumes with different dimensions. The contact between two lateral volumes was successfully made, however, when the two volumes are above each other, they cannot make contact.
I am asking for feedback on how to solve this problem, i.e. how to connect volumes that "stack" on top of each other.

The 3D scheme can be seen in the picture below.

Thank you in advance for your answer!
gid_contact volume.png
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Re: Contact volume

Post by escolano »

Do you want to create a 'GiD contact volume' between the big rectangle (red) and the small rectangle (yellow)?

Then probably you don't need a 'GiD contact volume': this concept is like a kind of 'mesh criteria' to force the mesher the creation of 1-1 paired nodes in both surfaces, and flat elements connecting them.
but both surface must be 'equivalent', this is not your case. the sizes of your surfaces are too different.

This kind of meshes are used sometimes to force 'periodic mesh', and usually to simulate bodied contact (this is the cause or the current name).

And what is the simulation program (which GiD problemtype) that you will use?
Each program can require different approaches for its physical simulation of contact between two solids. Probably this program don't require a 1-1 nodes relationship, and simply require some boundary condition that mark a region of a body as 'master' and another of the other body as 'slave'

If the simulation really require 1-1 nodes between master and slave then you can divide your big rectangle into a small rectangle and a big ring rectangle holed with the curves of the small one, and then can create an extra contact volume between the two 'equivalent' small rectangles
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Re: Contact volume

Post by aromic »

Dear Escolano,
Thank you very much for your reply!
The definition of "contact" is much clearer now.

The problem type we use will be based on the IGA-isogeometric solver.

Please, could you give us an answer or information on where to find examples of configuration files for IGA approach; basic (.bas file and other) files that are not written in Tcl. If you can upload it here, that would help us a lot!
Thank you in advance for your answer!
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Re: Contact volume

Post by escolano »

If do you have your own IGA-based solver, then you must create a GiD problemtype for this program to convert GiD in a GUI specialized in your case.

loading this problemtype GiD must be able to use your definitions of boundary condition, properties, and must write the calculation file with the syntax of your program.

Related with IGA, the main difference compared with other simulation methods is that this calculation require geometry information (e.g. NURBS data) instead mesh data.

Can ask GiD at runtime for this information with some Tcl commands, like GiD_Geometry, GiD_Info,...
and simply must process this information to write it in your calculation file.

A .bas template is too simple, and cannot write all data (e.g. doesn't has geometry-access commands).
It is necessary some small procedure in Tcl to write your calculation file.
Don't be afraid, you don't need to be expert in Tcl to do it, must simply open a file, ask the GiD information you want and format it to be printed in this file.

About postprocessing GiD has support to show NURBS results defined 'on NURBS curves or surfaces'

Carat++ was a code of the Technical University of Munich that do IGA structural simulations and had a GiD problemtype, but it seems that its links are broken, can try to contact them ... rch/carat/
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