Applying prestressing load for 3D reinforcement

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Applying prestressing load for 3D reinforcement

Post by zaherkurdi »


I am writing to seek guidance on applying prestressing load on a 3D cylinder of steel in my model. Specifically, I have embedded reinforcement within a concrete cylinder, with the reinforcement created as a 3D cylinder and defined as solid steel (Steel VonMises 3D) and the concrete cylinder defined as solid concrete (Cementitious2). I have set a (constraint for surface) condition at the cut surface in the longitudinal direction and a (fixed contact for surface) condition between the reinforcement and the concrete.

To apply the prestressing load, I used (initial strain for volume) and applied the strain in the longitudinal direction. However, it appears that my approach did not work well. I have attached the GiD file for your reference.

Could you please provide instructions on how to correctly apply a prestressing force on a 3D cylinder of steel? Any guidance or insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and assistance.
Used software version: GiD 16.1.3d, Problem type: ATENA - GiD Build 18016 & ATENA 5.6.1.

Best regards,
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Re: Applying prestressing load for 3D reinforcement

Post by escolano »

Sorry, but this question must be asked to Atena developers, not to us (GiD).
We don't know what is doing the Atena solver with your input data.
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Re: Applying prestressing load for 3D reinforcement

Post by zaherkurdi »

Thank you for your response. I understand and appreciate your suggestion to contact the Atena developers directly.
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Re: Applying prestressing load for 3D reinforcement

Post by dariberku »

Was the 3D cylinder representing the steel reinforcement accurately defined within your model? If you're still experiencing issues, I suggest reaching out to the Atena developers directly. I faced a similar problem and they were able to assist me within 48 hours. Well, actually earlier, because I contacted them on Saturday evening, and on Monday morning, I already received an answer.
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