VTK Export Issue

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VTK Export Issue

Post by jampotp »

I'm having some difficulty exporting results from GiD's postprocessing environment. I'm trying to export results in .VTK format so I can view them in Paraview. The export seems to run fine, but then when I open the .vtk file in paraview, part of the results file appears to be corrupted; elements in only part of the model show a 'speckled' pattern as shown in the right hand image below. If I import the .vtk file back into GiD I get the same issue, so it's not related to Paraview.

Can anyone help?
GiDVTKExportIssue.PNG (117.79 KiB) Viewed 5438 times
To be honest even if I can get this fixed, the .vtk export isn't ideal, as the sets are lost on export so I'm no longer able to view sub-components in isolation within my model. If anyone can suggest a better way of moving results from GiD to paraview I'd be very grateful. It looks like Paraview isn't able to naturally read any of the other GiD export formats. I might consider creating a script so that Paraview can read GiD postprocessing ASCII files but I'd rather find a solution that doesn't involve in depth coding.

Many thanks
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Re: VTK Export Issue

Post by escolano »

I have created and calculted a simple case (Kratos structural 3D) of tetrahedra
and exported as Vkt the scalar result on 1-gauss point ('Von misses stress')
and then re-imported this vtk in GiD and the result seems the same as the original.

Please, attach a zip with your GiD model including results to repeat the test with your exact case.

What is the GiD version that you are using?
Maybe GiD and/or the vtk import/export plugin has been fixed and you are using an old version

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Re: VTK Export Issue

Post by jampotp »

Hi Enrique,
Thanks very much for your reply, and for trying to test it.
Sadly I can't share the model as it's commercially sensitive work - hence I posted just a small screenshot of part of it in my previous post. I am currently redoing all the geometry and meshing so I will see whether the export changes with a slightly different geometry. I'll also try to see if calculating values on nodes rather than GP1 would make a difference.
I'm using GiD v15 which I believe is the latest. Do you think it's worth trying on an older version as well? I have GiD 14.0.3 installed on another PC I could try.
Sorry I can't send the model to test, I realise that is a big block to being able to diagnose this at all.
I'll let you know if I have the problem again when I finish remodelling/meshing next week.
Best regards
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Re: VTK Export Issue

Post by escolano »

Instead of your true commercial model, it is much better to debug if you can attach another model, as simple and small as possible,
e.g. a cylinder, with few results
that can be used to repeat the problem exporting in VTK format and re-importing in GiD
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