Abaqus import (*.inp file)

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Re: Abaqus import (*.inp file)

Post by Chambernan »

escolano wrote: Mon Sep 05, 2022 6:36 pm In fact I have already implemented a new version 0.4 of our Abaqus plugin that use the Nset and Elset Abaqus information and assign them to GiD groups
The group concept similar to layer, but an entity can belong to more than one group but is limited to belong to one layer (and the groups window contextual menu has an option to create+assign layers from groups and vice-versa)

If you install GiD 16.1.0d (the current last developer version it has this Abaqus plugin 0.4 version)
I attach also a copy here: Abaqus-0.4.zip

And about the selection of GiD, in a command that is requiring a selection you can specify it with this syntax
1:10 25 27
to mean from 1 to 10 and the 25 and 27
there are more other selection syntax with filters, e.g. to select the entities of a layer can write
Read this page of the 'reference manual': https://gidsimulation.atlassian.net/wik ... +selection
There is another problem, I did assembly of part-1 and part-2 in abaqus and translation of part-1. But when imported into GiD, part-1 is the position before the translation.
Does that mean that translation operations in abaqus are not valid in GiD?
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Re: Abaqus import (*.inp file)

Post by Chambernan »

I used the 'set' in ABAQUS to define some elements, which were placed in a 'group' after the inp file was imported into the GID. When I convert a group to a layer, it doesn't include low entities. Right? Can I include them?

I also want to ask a question about pre-GID processing. Is there a tool for partition similar to abaqus in pre-GID processing?

Thank you very much!
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Re: Abaqus import (*.inp file)

Post by escolano »

As you pointed the tool 'Groups to layers' will create the layers from the selected groups (or all if any is selected)
with the strict entities of the group, won't add to the layer other lower-entities

if do you also want that a layer has its dependencies can select these layers and in the contextual menu select
Send to->Self-dependencies
but take into account that an entity can belong to one, and only one, layer (but can belong to multiple groups)
e.g. a line shared by two surfaces in different layers cannot be in both layers simultaneously

I don't know what is doing the 'tool partition of Abaqus'.
In GiD for example you can use the macro button to send each 'top-level' entity to a new layer
top geometry to layers.png
top geometry to layers.png (48.76 KiB) Viewed 11047 times
or can send to a layer some entities and its dependent lower-entities

and while selecting surfaces or curves in the contextual menu the 'Connected tangent' command will add to the selection the entities connected with the current ones that are tangent with a tolerance angle (that could be set to 180 degrees for example to select all connected without take into account its normal)
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Re: Abaqus import (*.inp file)

Post by Chambernan »

Thank you! I will try.
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