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Mire Marjanovic

[GiDlist] (no subject)

Post by Mire Marjanovic »

Hello GiD Team,

Is it possible to make the post.msh file for the FE with following characteristics: It is Hexahedra, but with linear interpolation through the z-coordinate, which means that I have standard nine nodes at the bottom and 9 nodes at the top of the element (I have used Reddy's layerwise plate theory, so I have the independent interpolation in-plane and out-of-plane - defined as E9L1 element)? The same question is addressed for Prism element E6E1.

For E3L1 and E4L1 it is possible to use the existing GiD capabilities, but if there is some trick to solve the problem stated above, it would be of the great benefit for me. I have all coordinates, and all connectivities defined during the solution process, but is it possible to somehow define explained custom postprocess mesh for further rendering?

Best regards,
Miroslav Marjanovic, MSc. Civil Eng.
Chair of Engineering Mechanics and Theory of Structures
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering
Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3218581
e-mail: mmarjanovic at grf.rs
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[GiDlist] (no subject)

Post by escolano »

You can do the analysis with the kind of element you want, and represent the
results in another way,


you are calculating with a kind of hexahedron of 18 nodes, but you can
represent your results with GiD hexahedron of 27 nodes (simply you must also
write the results of the mid plane 9 nodes with a result linearly
interpolated from the top and bottom true nodes)

or you can represent it with a GiD hexadron linear of 8 nodes, neglecting
for postprocess visualization your quadratic nodes.


De: gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu
[mailto:gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu] En nombre de Mire Marjanovic
Enviado el: jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013 22:22
Para: gidlist at listas.cimne.upc.edu
Asunto: [GiDlist] (no subject)

Hello GiD Team,

Is it possible to make the post.msh file for the FE with following
characteristics: It is Hexahedra, but with linear interpolation through the
z-coordinate, which means that I have standard nine nodes at the bottom and
9 nodes at the top of the element (I have used Reddy's layerwise plate
theory, so I have the independent interpolation in-plane and out-of-plane -
defined as E9L1 element)? The same question is addressed for Prism element

For E3L1 and E4L1 it is possible to use the existing GiD capabilities, but
if there is some trick to solve the problem stated above, it would be of the
great benefit for me. I have all coordinates, and all connectivities defined
during the solution process, but is it possible to somehow define explained
custom postprocess mesh for further rendering?

Best regards,

Miroslav Marjanovic, MSc. Civil Eng.
Chair of Engineering Mechanics and Theory of Structures
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering

Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 3218581
e-mail: mailto:mmarinkovic at grf.bg.ac.rs mmarjanovic at grf.rs

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Zdzislaw Wozniak

[GiDlist] USB device trouble

Post by Zdzislaw Wozniak »

I have a floating licence for GiD version 10. It worked fine under
Scientific Linux 6.4 but when I switched to Fedora 19 the USB device does
not work any more. The program asks for a password which is supposed to be
picked up from the USB. How can fix it?
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[GiDlist] USB device trouble

Post by escolano »

What happen if you plug the memory stick and go to menu Help-Register GiD.?

It appear the device in a list showed by GiD?

If it doesn't appear have a look to this information


Enrique Escolano

De: gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu
[mailto:gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu] En nombre de Zdzislaw Wozniak
Enviado el: lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013 10:47
Para: gidlist at listas.cimne.upc.edu
Asunto: [GiDlist] USB device trouble

I have a floating licence for GiD version 10. It worked fine under
Scientific Linux 6.4 but when I switched to Fedora 19 the USB device does
not work any more. The program asks for a password which is supposed to be
picked up from the USB. How can fix it?

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[GiDlist] USB device trouble

Post by anna »

ok! muchas gracias

El lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013 15:18:39, Enrique Escolano escribió:
What happen if you plug the memory stick and go to menu Help-Register

It appear the device in a list showed by GiD?

If it doesn’t appear have a look to this information


Enrique Escolano

*De:*gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu
[mailto:gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu] *En nombre de *Zdzislaw
*Enviado el:* lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013 10:47
*Para:* gidlist at listas.cimne.upc.edu
*Asunto:* [GiDlist] USB device trouble

I have a floating licence for GiD version 10. It worked fine under
Scientific Linux 6.4 but when I switched to Fedora 19 the USB device
does not work any more. The program asks for a password which is
supposed to be picked up from the USB. How can fix it?

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[GiDlist] USB device trouble

Post by miguel »


We've just detected the problem with ubuntu 13.04 as well.

ubuntu 13.04 uses kernel version 3.8, and fedora seems to use linux kernel

can you confirm that with 'uname -a' please?

if so, the problem is that the usb is mounted in a different way and gid
does not detect it.

This has been solved for the next version of gid.

In the meantime, what you can do is:

1- plug your usb memory stick, it will mount to, for instance:


2- open the .GiDauthority on the root folder of the stick, for instance:


3- you'll find a line which will look like:

usb_XX ffeeabc123986abfrerd7gvbue5z # V11
Registration date: Mar DD 20YY; Expiration date: Feb D 20YY.

4- open GiD and select Help -- register gid

select the usb_XX entry

5- as password copy/paste the password from the .GiDauthority file:

6- that's it.

this procedure will write the password in the GiD installation directory (
$GID/scripts/TemporalVariables ) so the next time you start gid, with the
usb attached, it'll run with profesional licence.

But, if you go to another computer with another fedora 19-20 / ubuntu 13.04,
you'll need to repeat the procedure.

Or you can wait till the next version,

Hope it helps,


Miguel Pasenau

De: gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu
[mailto:gidlist-bounces at listas.cimne.upc.edu] En nombre de Zdzislaw Wozniak
Enviado el: lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013 10:47
Para: gidlist at listas.cimne.upc.edu
Asunto: [GiDlist] USB device trouble

I have a floating licence for GiD version 10. It worked fine under
Scientific Linux 6.4 but when I switched to Fedora 19 the USB device does
not work any more. The program asks for a password which is supposed to be
picked up from the USB. How can fix it?

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