I'm trying to use functions in my problem type, but they don't work, even using the example of the customization manual, it is supposed to appear like this But data tree shows this, This is the code as it is in the text. in the .spd file
<value n="dens" pn="Density" min_two_pnts="1" help="Density of Steel" unit_magnitude="M/L^3" units="kg/m^3" function="[density_function]" function_func="" v="1.0">
<functionVariable n="interpolator_func" pn="Interpolation function" variable="x" units="°C">
<value n="point" pn="Point" v="20.0,7830.0"/>
<value n="point" pn="Point" v="600.0,7644.0"/>
<proc n='density_function' args='args'>
MyDensityFunction $domNode $args
In the .tcl file
proc MyDensityFunction { domNode args } {
set result [join [list scalar
- ] ,]
return $result