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Post by MdR »

I have to result set, one for stress and one for displacement.
I would like to plot the graph of a point with the X axis being the displacement whilst the Y would be the stess. Right now, when I use Point Graph I can plot, say, X direction as Stress in X and Y direction as stress in Y but I cannot choose a different result set for the X axis and the Y axis.. Thanks for the help^!
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Re: Graph

Post by escolano »

The 'point graph' result could use different results for x and y axis,
but both results must belong to the current Analysis and time step
(open for example our model <gid>/examples/cajon2d.gid)

Maybe your results are defined for different 'analysis' ?
If results are written by your own code consider to set the same analysis name
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Re: Graph

Post by MdR »

I don't think this is possible. I have one result for streess (vector on Gauss point) and one for displacement (vector on node).
I found a way out thought; I just export the data in Excel then I plot it there.
This, and a way to plot the value of the isoline directly on the isoline could be very nice update for the next version. Good day.
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Re: Graph

Post by escolano »

in your case it is not possible nowadays because a result is defined on nodes, and the other result on gauss points of the elements.
both results must be defined on the same support.
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