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Visual representation of boundary conditions

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 8:10 am
by merce_lopez

We want to represent boundary conditions through a "Draw" button, as is done in other GiD problemtypes (i.e. Compack -see attched image-, Faust...). The problem is that we don't know how to ask GiD the coloured geometry/mesh, nor how to include the legend with the assigned boundary condition. Do you have any ideas on how we could do this?

Thanks in advance,


Re: Visual representation of boundary conditions

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:15 am
by escolano
Have you wrote you own problemtype?
The answer depends on how have you implemented the data for this boundary condition in your problemtype.
Nowadays there are two ways to implement a problemtype:
a) classical
b) using the 'customLib' (is an extra library that allow store the data in xml and show it visually as a tree)

Probably you are in the case a) 'classical'.
If you have used a 'gid condition' (defined in your <problemtype>.cnd file), then our standard conditions window
has a 'Draw' button that allows draw the assigned data like your picture (e.g. by colors)

In your image it seems that the problemtype 'compack' is using its own windows for the condition, but to draw it invoke the standar GiD function sending to GiD_Process this commands
Mescape Data Conditions DrawCond -ByColor $condition_name -draw-

Could see more information about problemtype in the GiD help, the customization manual: this is a online version ... Contenidos)