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Tkwidgets and field value updating

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 9:03 am
by barnacle
Dear GiD-Team,

I am using several Tkwidgets to process user input. Consider the following simple example .prb below:


TITLE: Something
QUESTION: Some_Question
TKWIDGET: Some_Widget


Some_Widget only opens a tcl window showing the given Value:

proc Some_Widget {event args} {
switch $event {
CreateErrorWindow [GiD_AccessValue get gendata Some_Question]

If I now enter a value (lets say 2) for Some_Question and press accept the Widget is called but the windows still shows 0. Only if I press Accept a second time, the right value (2) is shown. This means for me, that GiD somehow first updates the Value but with GiD_AccessValue I still access the old value. Is there another way to access the already updated value on pressing Accept the first time?


Re: Tkwidgets and field value updating

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 10:11 am
by escolano
GiD_AccessValue access to the true internal value of the field.
The window field store a temporary copy of this field, the internal value is updated from this copy when the user press 'Accept'

you can use our procedures DWLocalGetValue , DWLocalSetValue to get and set the temporary copy of the field

The TKWIGDET registered procedure is invoked with a first argument that could be: INIT, SYNC, DEPEND, CLOSE
and a variable argument args that provide extra information needed to know the current item data

Code: Select all

proc Some_Widget {event args} {
    switch $event {
        INIT {
            lassign $args PARENT current_row_variable GDN STRUCT QUESTION    
            upvar $current_row_variable ROW       
            set ::your_own_variable [DWLocalGetValue $GDN $STRUCT $QUESTION]
        SYNC {
            lassign $args GDN STRUCT QUESTION                      
            if { [info exists ::your_own_variable] } {
                DWLocalSetValue $GDN $STRUCT $QUESTION $::your_own_variable
       DEPEND {
            lassign $args GDN STRUCT QUESTION ACTION VALUE
       CLOSE {
           #release your own resources

I don't recommend you to write your own TKWIDGET procedures if they are not really needed to enhance your application.

Have a look to our file scripts/dev_kit.tcl, it has a collection of some predefined TKWIDGET procedures for common situations, named proc GidUtils::Tkwidget...
use them if possible, instead of create your similar procedure. ... s/tkwidget