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Binary files

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:19 am
by cagandiyaroglu
I have nodes which have x, y , z coordinate values and a result values on every node and they are created in Binary format in Fortran. Can I view my results without converting them to ASCII format .msh and .res files. Becasue the file sizes are very huge already.
If you can help me, it would be wonderful.

Re: Binary files

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 12:42 pm
by escolano
If you are writing the .post.res / .post.msh using our GiDPost library, then it is very simply to swap from our ASCII format to our compressed binary format. You must simply change the parameter GiD_PostMode of GiD_fOpenPostMeshFile and GiD_fOpenPostResultFile from GiD_PostAscii=0 to GiD_PostBinary=2

If you are writing the GiD ASCII files by your own, then you cannot write our binary format, because it is too complicated and undocumented to be written without our code.
What you can do is to convert your ASCII post files to binary by reading with GiD as user, and writting them again in post mode, with Files->Export->Post information->Binary
Our binary files are not related in any way to your current binary files, but you can use our gidpost library linked with your FORTRAN or C/C++ program to directly write the GiD results format.

The source code of the gidpost library could be download from here:

and this is its online documentation: