Hello, community,
We've created the 'GiDpost library' http://www.gidhome.com/support/gidpost
GiDpost is a set of functions (library) for writing postprocess results for
GiD in ASCII ( up version 6.1.4b) or binary format ( up version 7.2).
It works in Windows and Linux.
Feel free to test it and send your comments and suggestions here.
jorge suit
Miguel A. de Riera Pasenau miguel at cimne.upc.es http://gid.cimne.upc.es
[GiDlist] GiDpost library
Moderator: GiD Team
[GiDlist] Error during Export VRML
Why during i export vrml file with quadratic mesh, it has error message
"Message in line number 8. Error : element are Quadratic." ?
How to fix this problem?
Thank you very much.
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"Message in line number 8. Error : element are Quadratic." ?
How to fix this problem?
Thank you very much.
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
[GiDlist] Error during Export VRML
This VRML output interface is written to export only line, triangle or quadrilateral linear elements.
You can modify the template file VRML.bas (located inside /templates directory):
1) comment the lines checking if the mesh is quadratic (add *# at first to comment):
*#*MessageBox Error: elements are Quadratic.
2) Change the word ElemsNnode to ElemsNnodeCurt
(ElemsNnodeCurt return 3 for a triangle linear -3 nodes- or quadratic -6 nodes-)
Note: With this small changes, the quadratic nodes are also written in the vrml file, but the element
conectivities are written only as linear.
Enrique Escolano
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wuttipum Ittiponsopar" scorpius76 at hotmail.com
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: [GiDlist] Error during Export VRML
Why during i export vrml file with quadratic mesh, it has error message
"Message in line number 8. Error : element are Quadratic." ?
How to fix this problem?
Thank you very much.
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es
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You can modify the template file VRML.bas (located inside /templates directory):
1) comment the lines checking if the mesh is quadratic (add *# at first to comment):
*#*MessageBox Error: elements are Quadratic.
2) Change the word ElemsNnode to ElemsNnodeCurt
(ElemsNnodeCurt return 3 for a triangle linear -3 nodes- or quadratic -6 nodes-)
Note: With this small changes, the quadratic nodes are also written in the vrml file, but the element
conectivities are written only as linear.
Enrique Escolano
----- Original Message -----
From: "Wuttipum Ittiponsopar" scorpius76 at hotmail.com
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 10:51 AM
Subject: [GiDlist] Error during Export VRML
Why during i export vrml file with quadratic mesh, it has error message
"Message in line number 8. Error : element are Quadratic." ?
How to fix this problem?
Thank you very much.
STOP MORE SPAM with the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es
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