Hi Enrique,
thanks for your advice. The creation of the input file for the external
mesher works fine. But I have a problem with the execution of the external
mesher. When I try to execute the mesher from within a tcl procedure, I get
an error message. It seems to me that the path to that mesher is wrong, but
I checked it and couldn't find any fault. Here is the tcl procedure from
which I want to start the mesher:
proc Vernetzen {w} {
global NetzPriv
global GeometriePriv
global VoreinstellungPriv
global HalbraumartPriv
global Projektverzeichnis
set Projektname [lindex [.central.s info project] 1]
set Inputdateibis [join [list $Projektname "gid"] .]
set Inputdatei [join [list $Inputdateibis "D3D_gid_msh.in"] /]
set 1000 [list $GeometriePriv(afx) $GeometriePriv(afy)
$GeometriePriv(lax) $GeometriePriv(lay) $GeometriePriv(bx)
set 1010 [list $NetzPriv(aex) $NetzPriv(aey)]
set 1020 [list $NetzPriv(aebx) $NetzPriv(aeby)]
set channel [open $Inputdatei w]
puts $channel "! Input-File für das Programmsystem D3D ab Version 3.200"
puts $channel ":0000 ! Titel"
puts $channel "Netzausgabe für GiD"
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":0010 ! BerechnungsArt"
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " schlaffe_Last " } {
puts $channel "1" }
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " starre_Platte " } {
puts $channel "2" }
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " elastische_Platte " } {
puts $channel "3" }
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1000 ! AnzFlaeche_x AnzFlaeche_y Abstand_x Abstand_y
Breite_x Breite_y"
puts $channel $1000
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1010 ! Elementierung der Platte: PlatTlgX PlatTlgY"
puts $channel $1010
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1020 ! Teilung in Bodenelemente: x-Richtung y-Richtung"
puts $channel $1020
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1099 ! Abstand_z"
puts $channel $NetzPriv(afb)
puts $channel "!"
close $channel
set KopierInputdatei [file join $Projektverzeichnis [file tail
file delete $KopierInputdatei
file copy $Inputdatei $KopierInputdatei
set Mesher [file join $Projektverzeichnis D3D_gid_msh.exe]
file attributes $Mesher -shortname
WarnWinText $Mesher
WarnWinText $KopierInputdatei
exec $Mesher
Here is where I get the error message.
I also tried to execute the mesher with the following line:
exec $Mesher $KopierInputdatei
but I got the same error message.
The error message reads as follows:
Image PC
Routine Line
0040F102 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040EF03 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040E0C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040E33E Unknown Unknown Unknown
00406565 Unknown Unknown Unknown
00401806 Unknown Unknown Unknown
004011D2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
00431809 Unknown
The path that is indicated at the beginning of the error message doesn't
exist, because I didn't copy or create the input file for the mesher
(D3D_gid_msh.in) in the directory of gid. I don't have any clue what the
rest of the error message means.
thanks for response,
regards, Andreas
Hotmail - Absolut kostenfrei! Der weltweit größte E-Mail-Anbieter im Netz:
[GiDlist] execution of external mesher
Moderator: GiD Team
[GiDlist] execution of external mesher
If you have installed tcl/tk (can download from http://tcl.activestate.com)
, the you can open a
tcl/tk console (Whish or tkcon) to try to run outside GiD with exec your
Your code always try to read from a file named "D3D_gid_msh.in" located in
the same directory as D3D_gid_msh.exe?
It is best to expect from your code the filename as command line parameter,
else cannot be used "exec $Mesher $KopierInputdatei"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Friedberg" andreasfriedberg at hotmail.com
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: [GiDlist] execution of external mesher
Hi Enrique,
thanks for your advice. The creation of the input file for the external
mesher works fine. But I have a problem with the execution of the external
mesher. When I try to execute the mesher from within a tcl procedure, I
an error message. It seems to me that the path to that mesher is wrong,
I checked it and couldn't find any fault. Here is the tcl procedure from
which I want to start the mesher:
proc Vernetzen {w} {
global NetzPriv
global GeometriePriv
global VoreinstellungPriv
global HalbraumartPriv
global Projektverzeichnis
set Projektname [lindex [.central.s info project] 1]
set Inputdateibis [join [list $Projektname "gid"] .]
set Inputdatei [join [list $Inputdateibis "D3D_gid_msh.in"] /]
set 1000 [list $GeometriePriv(afx) $GeometriePriv(afy)
$GeometriePriv(lax) $GeometriePriv(lay) $GeometriePriv(bx)
set 1010 [list $NetzPriv(aex) $NetzPriv(aey)]
set 1020 [list $NetzPriv(aebx) $NetzPriv(aeby)]
set channel [open $Inputdatei w]
puts $channel "! Input-File für das Programmsystem D3D ab Version
puts $channel ":0000 ! Titel"
puts $channel "Netzausgabe für GiD"
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":0010 ! BerechnungsArt"
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " schlaffe_Last " } {
puts $channel "1" }
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " starre_Platte " } {
puts $channel "2" }
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " elastische_Platte " } {
puts $channel "3" }
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1000 ! AnzFlaeche_x AnzFlaeche_y Abstand_x Abstand_y
Breite_x Breite_y"
puts $channel $1000
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1010 ! Elementierung der Platte: PlatTlgX PlatTlgY"
puts $channel $1010
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1020 ! Teilung in Bodenelemente: x-Richtung
puts $channel $1020
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1099 ! Abstand_z"
puts $channel $NetzPriv(afb)
puts $channel "!"
close $channel
set KopierInputdatei [file join $Projektverzeichnis [file tail
file delete $KopierInputdatei
file copy $Inputdatei $KopierInputdatei
set Mesher [file join $Projektverzeichnis D3D_gid_msh.exe]
file attributes $Mesher -shortname
WarnWinText $Mesher
WarnWinText $KopierInputdatei
exec $Mesher
Here is where I get the error message.
I also tried to execute the mesher with the following line:
exec $Mesher $KopierInputdatei
but I got the same error message.
The error message reads as follows:
Image PC
Routine Line
0040F102 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040EF03 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040E0C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040E33E Unknown Unknown Unknown
00406565 Unknown Unknown Unknown
00401806 Unknown Unknown Unknown
004011D2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
00431809 Unknown
The path that is indicated at the beginning of the error message doesn't
exist, because I didn't copy or create the input file for the mesher
(D3D_gid_msh.in) in the directory of gid. I don't have any clue what the
rest of the error message means.
thanks for response,
regards, Andreas
Hotmail - Absolut kostenfrei! Der weltweit größte E-Mail-Anbieter im Netz:
GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es
, the you can open a
tcl/tk console (Whish or tkcon) to try to run outside GiD with exec your
Your code always try to read from a file named "D3D_gid_msh.in" located in
the same directory as D3D_gid_msh.exe?
It is best to expect from your code the filename as command line parameter,
else cannot be used "exec $Mesher $KopierInputdatei"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Friedberg" andreasfriedberg at hotmail.com
To: gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:16 PM
Subject: [GiDlist] execution of external mesher
Hi Enrique,
thanks for your advice. The creation of the input file for the external
mesher works fine. But I have a problem with the execution of the external
mesher. When I try to execute the mesher from within a tcl procedure, I
an error message. It seems to me that the path to that mesher is wrong,
I checked it and couldn't find any fault. Here is the tcl procedure from
which I want to start the mesher:
proc Vernetzen {w} {
global NetzPriv
global GeometriePriv
global VoreinstellungPriv
global HalbraumartPriv
global Projektverzeichnis
set Projektname [lindex [.central.s info project] 1]
set Inputdateibis [join [list $Projektname "gid"] .]
set Inputdatei [join [list $Inputdateibis "D3D_gid_msh.in"] /]
set 1000 [list $GeometriePriv(afx) $GeometriePriv(afy)
$GeometriePriv(lax) $GeometriePriv(lay) $GeometriePriv(bx)
set 1010 [list $NetzPriv(aex) $NetzPriv(aey)]
set 1020 [list $NetzPriv(aebx) $NetzPriv(aeby)]
set channel [open $Inputdatei w]
puts $channel "! Input-File für das Programmsystem D3D ab Version
puts $channel ":0000 ! Titel"
puts $channel "Netzausgabe für GiD"
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":0010 ! BerechnungsArt"
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " schlaffe_Last " } {
puts $channel "1" }
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " starre_Platte " } {
puts $channel "2" }
if { $VoreinstellungPriv(Belastungsart) == " elastische_Platte " } {
puts $channel "3" }
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1000 ! AnzFlaeche_x AnzFlaeche_y Abstand_x Abstand_y
Breite_x Breite_y"
puts $channel $1000
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1010 ! Elementierung der Platte: PlatTlgX PlatTlgY"
puts $channel $1010
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1020 ! Teilung in Bodenelemente: x-Richtung
puts $channel $1020
puts $channel "!"
puts $channel ":1099 ! Abstand_z"
puts $channel $NetzPriv(afb)
puts $channel "!"
close $channel
set KopierInputdatei [file join $Projektverzeichnis [file tail
file delete $KopierInputdatei
file copy $Inputdatei $KopierInputdatei
set Mesher [file join $Projektverzeichnis D3D_gid_msh.exe]
file attributes $Mesher -shortname
WarnWinText $Mesher
WarnWinText $KopierInputdatei
exec $Mesher
Here is where I get the error message.
I also tried to execute the mesher with the following line:
exec $Mesher $KopierInputdatei
but I got the same error message.
The error message reads as follows:
Image PC
Routine Line
0040F102 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040EF03 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040E0C4 Unknown Unknown Unknown
0040E33E Unknown Unknown Unknown
00406565 Unknown Unknown Unknown
00401806 Unknown Unknown Unknown
004011D2 Unknown Unknown Unknown
00431809 Unknown
The path that is indicated at the beginning of the error message doesn't
exist, because I didn't copy or create the input file for the mesher
(D3D_gid_msh.in) in the directory of gid. I don't have any clue what the
rest of the error message means.
thanks for response,
regards, Andreas
Hotmail - Absolut kostenfrei! Der weltweit größte E-Mail-Anbieter im Netz:
GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.es