Fw: [GiDlist] What news from GID

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Fw: [GiDlist] What news from GID

Post by escolano »

Last available beta version for Windows is the 7.5.3b

This is a detailed list of new features and corrected bugs from the 7.2 official version, until 7.5.0b beta version.

Enrique Escolano

What is new from version 7.2 to beta version 7.5.0b


a.. New mesh renumber option. Setting the variable 'RenumberMethod' to 1, after generate a mesh, the nodes are renumbered with a Reverse Cuthill-McKee algorithm. (setting 0 the old renumber method is applied, and setting -1 the mesh is not renumbered). For future versions new algoritms can be included.
b.. Add to dev_kit.tcl some procedures to select GiD coordinates or entities: GidUtils::GetCoordinates, GidUtils::PickEntities (useful for tcl-problemtype developers)
c.. Translation: Added to general prefences a language option. It's possible to add a new language copying inside scripts\msgs the apropiate language catalog message file (es.msg, de.msg, etc.)
d.. Custom Render: The user can define new render styles, selecting the layer color to draw entities, the visibility, width, etc. (menu View-Render-Customize...)
e.. Acis Import: updated to ACIS 7 format.
f.. Parasolid Import: updated to Parasolid 11 format.
g.. New Shapefile import (useful GIS format).
h.. Tcl/Tk: internal GiD interpreter updated to Tcl/Tk 8.4.1 version.
i.. Encryption functions.
j.. Backup: each GiD store your own backup, and ask the user to restore the model if GiD crash.
k.. Bas template: new commands *ElemsType, *ElemsTypeName, *SetFormatForceWidth, *SetFormatStandard, *nelem(OnlyPoints, *set elems(OnlyPoints).
l.. Tcl: it's possible cancel the calculation from the tcl-GiD event procedures 'BeforeWriteCalcFileGIDProject' or 'AfterWriteCalcFileGIDProject' returns '-cancel-' (to check data input before calculate).
m.. Tcl: new tcl-GiD event procedures BeforeGenerateMesh and AfterGenerateMesh.
n.. Play sound general preference: to play a sound when some task is finished.
o.. General preference 'Shrink windows when selection' to resize some windows (layers, conditions...) when selecting to facilitate this selection.
p.. Procserver: get remote calculation server info (available groups,...).
q.. It's possible to set the number of a new volume or planar surface (useful for scripts automatization).
r.. Variable 'CalcWithoutMesh' to write the calculation file without mesh entities (for some special problemtypes).
s.. New specialized GiD-tcl commands to manage conditions, materials, local axes, mesh edit , etc (GiD_ModifyData, GiD_AssignData, GiD_CreateData, GiD_LocalAxes, GiD_IntervalData, GiD_Mesh ).
t.. New GiD-tcl command drawopengl to directly draw in GiD from tcl scripts.
u.. Import/export materials updated for book and special fields support, and accepted blank lines in material or condition file.
v.. Iges export: if the problemtype has model units, then write this units in the iges output file.
w.. GiD-tcl info command: new order info parametric line|surface to obtain coordinates, derivatives, etc.
x.. Nastran import: new GiD-tcl event procedures to process information in the problemtype.
y.. DXF export: try to export surfaces as 3Dface if possible or else an approximate polyface mesh.
z.. RecentFiles menu to access to the last models.
aa.. Fast surface render for some simple cases.
ab.. Edge collapse enhanced.
ac.. New utilitis to mesh edit (smooth a selection and map nodes over geometry).
ad.. Mesh from boundary command to generate tetrahedras from a triangle boundary.
ae.. Move node utility enhanced, deleting collapsed nodes and elements.
af.. ACIS 5.0 Export. New CAD export format
ag.. New mesh smoothing algorithm for tetrahedras
ah.. New mesh indicator of "shape quality", and "maximum edge"
ai.. Render saved to disk to avoid to recalculate it.
aj.. Bas template: new commands *SetFormatNastran, *ElemsMatProp *LayerNumEntities
ak.. Use of Dongle licences system, and memory sticks system.
al.. Use of PassServer net licences system
am.. New GiD-Tcl commands:
a.. GiD_Geometry command, to create from tcl new geometric entities.
b.. drawopengl drawentities subcommand (to easily draw internal GiD entities), GiD_Set (to set/get GiD variables).
c.. GiD_Process command, using a tcl-like parameter list (not space separated list as .central.s process), to avoid problem commands as filenames including spaces.
d.. GiD_BookBehaviour, GiD_MaterialBehaviour and GiD_ConditionBehaviour (to customize material and condition windows)
an.. Tcl: new tcl-GiD event procedures InitGIDCalculation and EndGIDCalculation
ao.. Add to dev_kit.tcl more procedures: GidUtils::EvalAndEnterInBatch (to register tcl used command for undo and batch)
ap.. Tcl/Tk: Included packages treectrl (a fast tree control) and tdom (a XML parser), and several scripts reordered as packages.
aq.. Selection: more entity filters: by label on/off, material or assigned condition. New InvertSelection command.
ar.. Enhanced IGES export (optionally B-rep or traditional without topology style, more fast, saved layer information, etc)
as.. Delete entities: new 'LowerEntities' option to delete all dependencies.
at.. Grid and snap: a tool to aid to the point definition by hand.
au.. Try to save the applied conditions when modify entities, create a new copy, etc.
av.. Enhanced IGES read (much faster, and less memory requirements)
aw.. Enhanced VDA read (more stable, and less memory requirements)
ax.. Spanish translation of the stings database
ay.. More tolerant with spaces in layer names, materials, etc.
az.. New status window button, to set the current meshing preferences with the saved in the loaded model file.
ba.. Added a simple UNV mesh export template (Universal I-Deas format)
bb.. New RJump surface-group mesher, and manually options to jump or not a line.


a.. New right buttons look
b.. View can be accesed directly through TclTk with '.central.s info view' and '.central.s process view set view ""'
c.. New 'Utilities-graphical-animation script' window which allows the user to define a sequence of scenes which will be animated
d.. New 'Utilities-Report' window for creating reports: images, List Entities info, text, etc. can be inserted.
e.. Changed the boundaries calculation algorithm, should be faster and uses a little less memory than before, also for preprocess-
f.. Smooth Contour fill: shows a contour fill with smoothed gauss points results: min, max and mean value of the nodal extrapolated results
g.. Labels, dimensions, comments, legends and axes are scaled with High resolution printings ( 200dpi).
h.. Cuts can be done giving the coeficients of the cut plane: Ax + By + Cz + D = 0
i.. The lines of the volume meshes are also drawn when the option 'draw interior' is on, and not only the internal faces as before
j.. Background image and texture also in JPEG format
k.. Option 'both sides' when divide mesh and sets
l.. Femap v1.0 binary results import (.nfo)
m.. New GiD-Tcl commands: GiD_Result create|delete|get (to dinamically create, get or delete results from tcl)
n.. Show results classified in sublevels: "level_1//level_2"
o.. Enhanced results window (use of a tree widget, etc)


a.. Errors with temporary files with not occidental operating systems (japanese, Corean, etc) using filenames with not ASCII characters.
b.. Check of bas numeric format before apply, to avoid crash using some incorrect format.
c.. The user can cancel the 'quit' function if some process is still running.
d.. Corrected mesh quality graph bugs with small elements.
e.. Corrected internet retrieve bug with some fast connections.
f.. Bas template: *break can exit a for or a loop
g.. IGES export: bad output file extension if the user not assign any extension.
h.. IGES import: more tolerant to files with incoherent data (bad parameter count field 14, etc.)
i.. Corrected read/write bug of GiD Ascii files with conditions over layer.
j.. Corrected crash creating a surfmesh from a quadrilateral mesh.
k.. A condition over face elems is applied in a interface between materials to two elements instead to select only one.
l.. Corrected bug of aditional random blank spaces in the calculation file.
m.. Corrected slow Reverse Cuthill-McKee renumbering with 1-noded elements.
n.. Swapped bad orientation of volume elements created with a copy/move by mirror.
o.. Corrected a bug calculating the area of some trimmed surfaces.
p.. Avoided geometric entities renumber when generate a mesh.
q.. Corrected a bug generating tetrahedras with background mesh sizes.
r.. Corrected bad connectivities when generating structured meshes linked by volume-contacts
s.. Avoid to use excessive memory when generating hexahedras with lots of structured volumes.
t.. Some corrections on transform materials


a.. Corrected bad precision calculating eigenvalues and eigenvectors for tensor results.
b.. Corrected the gausspoints extrapolation with given natural coordinates and for cuadratic elements
c.. Corrected bug when changing number of colors and contour fill and visualizing several results at once
d.. Corrected some problems while animating several results at once
e.. Correction while reading tecplot files with hexaedras
f.. Some corrections for the legend and the c.fill ranges for extreme situations: range width too small, limits too close, epsilon
g.. When changing the render style for the meshes, it changes the render of the isosurfaces too
h.. Correction when projecting a texture to the border of the mesh
i.. Correction when cutting more than 100 meshes and when cutting volume meshes
j.. Some corrections when selecting results, analysis and steps with the same prefix
k.. Corrected the merge(Ascii) option which didn't merge partial values of the same result/step/analysis
l.. Independent behaviour for the 'animation controls' and 'animation results' windows
m.. Correction of the 'Read Batch' windows which swallows the quotes of the batch file
n.. Several texture corrections

----- Original Message -----
From: "IEEA" ieea at club-internet.fr
To: "GIDliste" gidlist at gatxan.cimne.upc.es
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2005 9:12 AM
Subject: [GiDlist] What news from GID

Good morning everybody,
What are the last news from GID ? Is the last GID version 7.4.6b ?
Write you soon.
G.W.R. Geis

GiDlist mailing list
GiDlist at gid.cimne.upc.edu

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