USB license

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USB license

Post by payoubi »


I have a GID license attached to a USB disk. How can I add it to another USB since my current USB disk seems not to work properly.
The second question is that can I use the same license for both Windows and Linux?
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Re: USB license

Post by escolano »

It is not technically possible to move a 'GiD password' from an USB to another USB. A new password will be needed.

The same USB memory stick licence could be used for Windows, Linux or Mac OS X.
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Re: USB license

Post by BFH »

Hello Forum i am ading my question here.

Can i purchase the USB licensed version via person/email (A) and let another person (B) use it without giving Person (B) al the infos person (A) had used while purchasing?

Reason: We buy and manage SW central. Personal purchased and keept licenses are quite complicatet to manage over a long period, license informations get lost. For t his i like to buy via my Name, let the stick install by our it-team and hand only the stick over to our employee. Must the employee know and use my email, password, or even portal acces credential's to work with the USB software version?

If the Stick ever get lost/broken. Is there a way to disable or reset a stick and create a new one or is the license in this case lost together with the stick?

Hope you understand my poor englisch. Greets, Tobias
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Re: USB license

Post by escolano »

The licence (or the password obtained using the licence for an specific memory stick) are independent of any personal data.

A licence could be bought for a person and let to other person to use it.

A licence could be used only once (to get the password for a memory stick).

Technically is not possible to invalidate the password of a memory stick, or move it to other device.

If the memory stick is lost/broken the password and licence is officially lost.
Only during the first year is the memory stick is broken a new password is officially provided.
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Re: USB license

Post by BFH »

Thank you for detailed answers.
Special, like always in license business. So i hope, we never loose ore brake the Stick.
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