How to postprocess from OpenSees

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How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by Mek_Greek »

Hi GID Community!

I am running analysis on OpenSees and I've created the Geometry and the Mesh on GID.

Now my question is: what kind of files I should to create on OpenSees in order to postprocess on GID and in which extension?
Furthermore, when I'll have created these files, how to import them in GID to launch the postprocess on the model I've created?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by escolano »

This task to convert results if required to GiD results format (or some format imported by GiD) was done by the 'GiD-OpenSees' problemtype developer.

As 'final user' simply must calculate (menu Calculate->Calculate) and if successful the results file are created and can see the results in postprocess.

Or are you developing your own new OpenSees problemtype?
Then must read the GiD customization manual documentation to learn how to do it
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by Mek_Greek »

My willing is the same of the topic with title: ''import TCL file of opensees into the GID postprocessing''.

I run the following script in the command prompt:

cd C:\Program Files\GiD\GiD 16.0.7\problemtypes\OpenSees.gid\exe ##this is the directory containing OpenSeesPost.exe

OpenSeesPost.exe -f input_file1.out input_file2.out ... -o -fmt GiD ##command bar to create the .post.res file

but then I get the following error:

"Exception EConvertError in module OpenSeesPost.exe at 0002132E.
'-o' is not a valid integer value."

Could you show me the proper way to get the .post.res file please? :D
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by Mek_Greek »

Maybe, I've got the reason. Is there a way to compile GidPost in windows?
Because online I've found the libraries to compile but in the README file there are the instructions only for Linux.

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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by Mek_Greek »

Hi Enrique!
I've found the GIDPost folder to compile in Windows, but I get a couple of errors in VisualStudio.
I'd need your help to compile.
They have the same error code: MSB8066.
One of the two error I get is the following:
"Errore MSB8066 la compilazione personalizzata per 'C:\GID64-git\gidproject\gidpost\source\CMakeLists.txt' è stata terminata. Codice: 3. gidpost C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets 254"
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by Mek_Greek »

Sorry for my multiple replies.
Maybe, instead of compile; can I also use directly the gidpost.lib that is already avaiable in the folder called "binaries" in order to get the .post.msh and .post.res?
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by escolano »

What is the version of your gidpost library?

The current one is the 2.9: ... f5-format/

And the zip include gidpost.lib already precompiled for Windows with VS2022 (and for Linux)
and also other third part libraries required, like
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by Mek_Greek »

Thanks a lot Escolano!

I had downloaded the latest version already.

Well, last question: how can I use those libraries that you listed me in order to conver my OpenSees's outputs (some .out files) in the unique file of the solution to postprocess .post.res?

I do not think I need the .post.msh cause if GID uses the mesh of the preprocess would be nice for me
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Re: How to postprocess from OpenSees

Post by escolano »

The GiDpost library must be used to link with the C/C++/FORTRAN program that calculate to facilitate write its results with GiD post results format (ASCII, binary or HDF5) ...

Or can create an auxiliary exe that read the results in the original format written by the solver (e.g. OpenSees) and write a new file <model>.post.res with GiD syntax.
Write directly the ASCII version really is easy and using this library probably is more difficult, but it allow also write the binary or HDF5 based formats simply changing a flag)

Note: this conversion tool can be an exe file, or also a Tcl scripting procedure, or a Python procedure evaluated in the internal GiD interpreter.
(in case of be external could be done with the language you want: NodeJs, Python, ... wrapped as an exe)

The <model>.post.mesh is not necessary if exists a preprocess mesh and the results are related to its ids of nodes and elements. It this file exist overwrite the preprocess mesh for postprocess purposes
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