It is possible to create boundary mesh only for one layer?

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It is possible to create boundary mesh only for one layer?

Post by zgrub »


I'm working on a model in which I need to make multiple ellipsoidal volumes in one layer with separated shell surfaces in other layer. The volumes' shape is based on points which are forced to be part of the volume surface. When I've made these separate shell surfaces manually, mesh generated on the volumes and mesh generated on the shell surfaces are significantly different (and forcing points to both types of surface doesn't help, because they are forced only to the last chosen surface). Also, I've tried to create boundary mesh for the volumes and use it as the shell surfaces, but the 'Create boundary mesh' option creates boundary mesh for all volumes in the model (it's quite tough to distinguish part of this mesh I need) and I cannot see how to create it only for volumes in chosen layer. It is possible to create boundary mesh only for one layer? Or is there another way to create mesh on the shell surfaces compatible with mesh on the volumes?

Thank you!
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Re: It is possible to create boundary mesh only for one layer?

Post by escolano »

I am not sure if I have understood well your question, i will try to answer in any case:

If do you have a volume, without create other extra copies of surfaces can obtain the volume mesh and also the surface mesh assigning
Mesh->Mesh criteria->Mesh->Surfaces
and select the surfaces that do you want with triangles (by default surfaces that belong to volumes do not create triangles in the final mesh)

If this is not what you want to do attach a zip with your model to try to clarify your question (maybe some tool can aid to select and separate the boundary triangles you want to be deleted)
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Re: It is possible to create boundary mesh only for one layer?

Post by zgrub »

I've followed your advice and the result was what I wanted. Thank you!
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