Error in base file

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Error in base file

Post by M.Tubishat »

I am modelling a Slab System using GiD 14, Static analysis.
I got an error in base file "Embedded Reinforcement" does not exist, when it started to calculate.
I attached an image that shows the error.
error in base file.PNG
error in base file.PNG (31.05 KiB) Viewed 3714 times
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Re: Error in base file

Post by escolano »

This bug is really related to the ATENA problemtype, not to GiD.
Really must be asked to its developers, not to us.

I have a local copy of a version of this ATENA problemtype, and having a look to the file of the error message
I can see this that is complaining in this line:
*If(ElemsMatProp(Embedded_Reinforcement,Int)==0 && ElemsMatProp(Application_from_Interval,Int)==IntervalIndex)

because the material applied to the geometric line that generate the mesh line element doesn't has applied any material with a question field named "Embedded_Reinforcement".

I had a look to the file .mat of the problemtype and only the material named "Reinforcement" has a field with this name, then it seems that must assign to these curves a material derived from Reinforcement (and generate the mesh again to transfer the material from the geometry to the mesh)
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