Mutiple .post.res files

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Mutiple .post.res files

Post by augustobopsinborges »

Hello there!

I'm working with a pre-existent F.E. code and we use GiD for pre- and post-processing (GiD 14.*).

The last collegue working on this code has written it so that multiple .post.res files are generated during analysis (all files have the same information, changing only the results for the respective time step). One file named '<model's_name>.post.res' is generated with the final results and during the analysis several files with an ordering name (e.g.,, and so on) are generated.

I can easily open the post-processing results from '<model's_name>.post.res', even automatically by switching to postprecess environment, but not from the others. I have tried different approached, but I just can't find a way.

I would like to know how can I open those multiple .post.res files, in order to see the multiple time steps recorded. Can you help me?
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Re: Mutiple .post.res files

Post by escolano »

You can open several files in post with the menu
Files->Open multiple
and select the files you want

and it is possible to write by the solver a file <modelname>.post.lst
with the list of files to be read (and then swapping from pre to post will load automatically all results) ...
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Re: Mutiple .post.res files

Post by Daniel »


I am having the same problem. I have written multiple .post.res files and also the .post.lst file like this:
and so on. However, GiD gives a message like "couldn't find" for every file in .post.lst.
I appreciate any help.
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Re: Mutiple .post.res files

Post by escolano »

And where are you defining the mesh where the result must be represented?
It is defined in preprocess (<modelname>.msh) and used also for postprocess?
or it is stored in one or more additional files in postprocess? or is stored inside the same files as the results?
then maybe you must add these postprocess mesh files to the collection of names of the .post.lst file

Maybe you can attach a zip with a small example
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