mesh and normal to the elements ?.

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Re: mesh and normal to the elements ?.

Post by escolano »

Why do you forbid all possible solutions using .bas or .tcl?
If do you already have a problemtype, you can for example add a <problemtype>.bas template with a content as simple as this

*loop elems
*elemsnum *elemsnormal
*end elems

And when calculating it will be written a file named <modelname>.dat

with the information you want (the element id and its normal).
This is assuming that the mesh only has surface elements (triangles, quadrilateral), it they could be other types can filter the loop only to this types

*set elems(triangle)
*add elems(quadrilateral)
*loop elems
*elemsnum *elemsnormal
*end elems

And as you pointed it is also possible to do something similar with some Tcl scripting (for more complicated cases)

Note: If you don't want to add this template to your problemtuype, can also copy it to <GiD>/templates, with name ElementNormals.bas and it wil appear in the menu Files->Export->Using template this new option, to export this file, without load any problemtype.
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