Help for creating a prism

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Help for creating a prism

Post by DevonBirch »

Hi guys!
I need help to create a four-sided-prism, with measures: 10 - height, 1 - length and 1 - width. And then i would like to create a mesh with ten elements (ten cubes measuring 1x1x1). Could anyone help me? I thank you in advance. Kind regards.
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Re: Help for creating a prism

Post by escolano »

This is a trivial case, please follow some GiD tutorials to start learning how to use GiD (e.g. the 'GiD user manual')

To create the volume create a square surface from (0,0,0) to (1,1,0) and use the copy tool to extrude by translation a volume 10 units in z direction

then to obtain the mesh you want assign
Mesh->Structured->Volumes->Assign number of divisions to volume lines
and assing divisions 1 to x - y lines ,and 10 to a line on z direction
and to mesh hexahedra instead the default tetrahedra set to your volume
Mesh->Element type->Tetrahedra
and generate the mesh (the general mesh size will be irrelevant in this fully structured case)
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