GiD crashes during meshing

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GiD crashes during meshing

Post by jx@tdem »

Hello everyone,

I have the following situation:

I built the model in other modeling software, exported the stp format file, and imported the generated volume object in GiD. I usually set the size parameter of the Cartesian grid and the mesh diffusion coefficient to split the model, but for this model, the software crashes directly when generating the mesh. The GiD v12 version I have perchased and the v14 that I recently applied for trial will both crash when generating the mesh.

I have little experience in dealing with the external software modeling. This is the first time I have used GiD to handle this kind of situation. I uploaded my GiD project file of the original model and the stp file to github because the file is too large to upload the attachment. You can download it at the following URL “”.

Thank you in advance. :)
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